Do I Have Hiv

An HIV rash is something that a person who has contracted HIV may see on their skin. At times it can even be caused by the medicines that a person is on to help keep the virus under control. It is thought that over eighty fiver percent of people suffering with HIV will experience a rash at one point or another.

Two to three weeks after becoming infected with HIV, an individual may appear during the sero-conversion of the infection, This is when antibodies may develop after contracting the infection of human immunodeficiency virus. Not everyone infected will get this initial rash symptom and because rashes are common, don't conclude you have HIV if you see a rash. The red papules can look similar to different types of common rashes as well such as herpes, razor bumps or eczema. Often the rash is dark red or brown spots. For some people there is soreness and others may have itching sensations.

In many cases, someone with HIV can display symptoms similar to the development of the flu. This includes fever, swollen glands, aches and pains, and headaches. Additional symptoms can include extreme fatigue, weight loss, frequent diarrhea, regular fevers that are unexplained, stiff and painful joints, loss of memory, problems with vision, and dealing with infections all the time.

It's important to seek a medical consultation to get an analysis of the rash, especially if you are in a high risk group. If there is a diagnosis of HIV, medications today are very useful for controlling the symptoms and slowing down the progression of the infection. Unprotected sex can result in contagious rashes that also include herpes, scabies and genital warts.